Tracy Takes on… Black Friday

Don’t get nervous now, but Black Friday, the BIGGEST shopping day of the year, is right around the corner and if you’re looking to score some super sweet deals you should be prepared!

Read on, memorize, and be ready to fight to the end for that last “LOL Elmo” doll!

The first, and most important tip of all is…

1. Make a List
You don’t want to run around aimlessly, all the while being pushed aside by those parents that did make their lists. Not to mention without a list it becomes about 44% harder to pull the trigger and actually make the purchase.

Continue reading “Tracy Takes on… Black Friday”

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!

New Year’s resolutions are commitments that one makes at the end of the year to change a bad habit for the coming year. The idea is to reflect upon self-improvement.

I have put together some great resolution ideas, as well as hints on how Coastal Business Supplies can help you succeed with these resolutions.

Improve health: Reduce stress and have peace of mind by shopping with Coastal Business Supplies. The success of your business is important to us and we will not push you to purchase any items you don’t need. Not only do we have sales representatives with a wealth of knowledge about our products so you always find exactly what you’re looking for, but we also have a fully staffed technical support department to help you through any issues you may have. Continue reading “New Year’s Resolutions”

It’s All About the Holidays

Once again, the holidays are sneaking up on us – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s. Here at Coastal, we want to provide you with all of the ideas and products you need to greet each holiday with success and ease.   


Of course, we carry more than a dozen different types of plastic, ceramic and aluminum ornaments to decorate your holiday tree in any way you like!  Continue reading “It’s All About the Holidays”