Allover Printing: It’s All Over America

AmericaShirtARTICLE_rdax_524x524By Christopher Bernat, Contributing Writer, Impressions Magazine

Allover print sublimation (AOPS) is, well, all over the place. Of course it is a trendy application on T-shirts and V-necks seen in the wholesale decorated apparel marketplace. But from burnout garments, poly-performance tops and mixed martial arts (MMA) gear to hoodies and dresses, the popularity of AOPS is rising. If you have not seen it as a new source of potential revenue, you may want to look one more time.

It’s not just enjoying success in the imprintables market. Walk into Macy’s, Belk, H&M or just about any other major clothing retailer and you will see some apparel decorated with sublimation in the store. There are multiple brands offering different types of garments for this process. The topic has been well covered in Impressions and at the Imprinted Sportswear Shows (ISS), but it has grown and changed in the past couple of seasons.

Garment decorators are getting more and more requests for allover sublimation, and declining the opportunity could have long-term ramifications. Many people are predicting it will only increase in popularity from here on out.

No matter what type of AOPS you plan to do, there are several things you will need. At a bare minimum, you will need sublimation paper, an industrial (a.k.a. large) heat press and the right garments for your target customer.

You also will need the know-how to do it properly. So let’s get started and cover a couple of important areas. Continue reading “Allover Printing: It’s All Over America”

Sales Tip – Basing your sales call goals on getting told NO!

So you have read the title of this blog and you must be thinking I have lost my mind, but this is not a new sales technique. Throughout my career in sales and marketing, I have heard this strategy in several different variations. I am not sure who originally coined it and definitely not taking credit for its invention, but think it is very beneficial technique to generate business. Personally, I compare this approach to a similar strategy for playing Blackjack. Side note, I’m a horrible Blackjack player and seem to be the guy who can have a 20 with the dealer showing a 6 and inevitably the dealer will pull a 5 card for 21! But…I am not crazy; this really is a good technique. I have heard it from other professionals and it makes sense. Continue reading “Sales Tip – Basing your sales call goals on getting told NO!”

Taxes Are Not An Afterthought – 2013 Is Too Late For 2012 Decisions

It’s November and chances are that the last thing on your mind is taxes.  After all, April 15th is a long way off and Holiday production season is ramping up now.  But that can be a serious business mistake, as the last day for making strategic 2012 tax decisions is pretty much 12/31/12 and considering that its New Year’s Eve,  in all likelihood it will be too late.  A great example is the Section 179 deduction. Depending on your tax bracket, buying a new sublimation system now could be like getting a 35% discount!  How does it work?

In basic terms, rather than depreciating your new system purchase over 5 years, Section 179 of the Tax Code allows you to deduct 100% of any qualified equipment purchases in the tax year in which it was purchased.  In other words, if you bought a new printer that cost $1000 (before the end of the year) you could deduct the entire amount on your 2012 taxes, which would then reduce the amount of your taxable income.  And it’s not limited to one purchase!  So, strategy-wise, if you were seriously considering some new equipment purchases after the first of the year, you might actually be better off to consider closing the deal during the waning months of 2012. Continue reading “Taxes Are Not An Afterthought – 2013 Is Too Late For 2012 Decisions”