Connecting your Teams

This morning while I was waiting in line at the security check point for my flight, my co-worker made a very good point about the seeming lack of communication between the airline and the TSA. The airlines know exactly how many people they have coming to the airport for a flight and exactly what time frame they should be arriving. Therefore you would think that TSA would be properly staffed and ready to go based on that information, but it doesn’t seem that there is any communication between them. But aren’t they on the same team with a similar goal of getting people from point A to point B safely and securely? They might not be the same “company” or department but don’t you think they should work together more closely? Continue reading “Connecting your Teams”

Why every company should do a Marketing Plan – Big or Small

One of the things I have learned in my time doing marketing for different companies is that if you don’t have a plan for your attack, you might as well just lock the doors and give all your money to your competitor. This plan doesn’t have to be a Pulitzer prize winning coffee table document that takes thousands of dollars to produce, but it does have to be something that is in writing and carefully thought out. Again, this doesn’t have to be a formal marketing plan with all the big words and things most small businesses don’t understand, but it does have to make sense to you and it does require a little hard work and effort.
Continue reading “Why every company should do a Marketing Plan – Big or Small”

Are You Ready for the Holiday Season?

Like anyone about this time of the year, I start thinking about the holiday season, visiting family and working out the schedule with friends and relatives. All our lives probably get busier with coordinating vacations, trips and gift purchases on a tight budget. But what I really want to know is, are you ready for the holidays with relation to your business? Continue reading “Are You Ready for the Holiday Season?”