How to Keep Meetings on Track

Bad MeetingIn a previous blog, we talked about keeping your teams connected and discussed the need to have meetings, formal or otherwise to be able to keep the team connected. For most of my professional career I have been lucky enough to always work with relatively small businesses. It’s just the type of person I am. I have some friends that have always worked for large corporations like Intel, Motorola etc., and some of the stories I have heard from them were amazing to me. My favorite is the meeting they would have to discuss how to have fewer meetings. Really??? I got a great idea and if they want to hire me as a consultant at a crazy high rate I’ll come help them out (Hint: Start by not having the meeting to discuss how to have fewer meetings…) Continue reading “How to Keep Meetings on Track”

Hot Items From 2011

With the year winding to a close you always see those top X number of item lists which are kind of fun. It gives you a chance to reflect back to the events of the previous year.

With the year winding to a close, you always see those top 100 lists They are kind of fun, and it gives you a chance to reflect back to the events of the previous year.

In the spirit of the top 100 list, I have polled our department leads for the top products from 2011. In the style of a late night countdown, I’ll count down from #5 up to the #1 requestes item. Continue reading “Hot Items From 2011”

Connecting your Teams

This morning while I was waiting in line at the security check point for my flight, my co-worker made a very good point about the seeming lack of communication between the airline and the TSA. The airlines know exactly how many people they have coming to the airport for a flight and exactly what time frame they should be arriving. Therefore you would think that TSA would be properly staffed and ready to go based on that information, but it doesn’t seem that there is any communication between them. But aren’t they on the same team with a similar goal of getting people from point A to point B safely and securely? They might not be the same “company” or department but don’t you think they should work together more closely? Continue reading “Connecting your Teams”